Common Concerns About roomvu: A Users FAQ

Common Concerns About roomvu: Here are some of the most frequently asked questions agents have and our answers to them!

We at roomvu receive many questions from agents using our service. There are various ambiguities and questions for those who want to use roomvu but are still unsure. Therefore, we decided to have this article to address some of the most common concerns Real estate agents can have about using our platform. If you are still unsure about using roomvu, read along. You can find the answer to your question right in this article.

I Do Not Have a Marketing Budget

We get this a lot, and to be honest, we are aware of the financial difficulties agents can go through. They already pay a lot of money to keep their license and promote listings besides other daily activities for their business can go up easily. Therefore, many agents may find roomvu subscription fees to be added cost to their already full plate.

We Are Affordable

We are the most affordable content creation tool you can use.  A social media manager will charge 2000$ / month to handle your social media. But you can start from 20$ / mo with us. On the other hand, our services are versatile and more comprehensive than just social media. From landing pages to email marketing, you have all the tools you need to catch up with online marketing trends. 

Pay Monthly

If it is any better, you always have the option to pay monthly and avoid investing in the platform at a considerable amount. However, remember that more than a month is needed for anything close to yielding results. You have to give it at least a couple of months to see results little by little. Our monthly plan exists so that our agents have an easier time with their finances, and it never means you can use our service for just a month and get results. 


Some agents still find the above explanation insufficient and decide to handle their marketing themselves. We know that you already have a packed schedule. You may save a couple of dollars every month but remember that:

You may spend less, but you will undoubtedly receive less as well. 

As Henry Ford put it:

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”

I Don’t Want to Make a Big Commitment

We understand that for some agents making a big financial commitment may not be a feasible option. So, we suggest that agents start with lower tiers like a pro plan and pay monthly. However, because there is at least $600 worth of design work in our Platinum plan, we can’t make it monthly. But, chances are you can get a promo code to get 20% off.

And finally, we have a 7-day money-back guarantee; if you don’t like our service within 7 days, you can get your money back. (subject to the restrictions)

You Do Not Cover My City

We get this a lot on social media where agents from different parts of the US and Canada say that their city/area is not covered by roomvu. We are constantly expanding our coverage to more cities daily, and more places are covered every month. We accept suggestions for new towns to cover, and once enough agents ask us, we will add the city to our content list. Also, your city may not be covered per se, but chances are a more significant metro area is already on our list, and you can use its content for your marketing services. 

On the other hand, if you upgrade to our Platinum plan, we will add your location to our covered cities. 

I Already Have a Social Media Manager

You may already have social media manager for your business. However, we do believe that roomvu will be a better option because:

Lower Costs

A typical social media manager will charge you around $2000 monthly, and they will mostly use what you provide them with on your social media. Roomvu plans start at as low as ~$20 a month. Of course, you can upgrade to better plans but rest assured we will offer services worth your hard-earned cash. 

We post 7 days a week for you for as low as 25$ / mo. Is there anything else that you can do with the money?

Hyper-local Content

Our biggest strength in social media marketing for Real Estate agents is the hyper-local content we create. Remember that people care for the content they need, and given that real estate is a local business, whatever you share with your audience that is not related to them is spam. Our hyper-local content will provide your audience with data about where they live. A social media manager will manage your social media but cannot match our hyper-local content. A team of data-researcher, content creators, professional designers, and producers work together to provide you with the content you need. A single-person social media manager will pale in comparison. 

Ultra-Personalized Customization

These days, branding is one of the essential aspects of marketing for every business. Your brand is the first thing that comes to mind when your audience sees you. On our platinum plan, you will work with our designers to create and apply your very own branding that is unique to you and will resemble you only when seen on social media. A social media manager must gain the knowledge and skill to create appropriate design and branding. 

I Use Another Platform

We post 7 days a week, with hyperlocal market updates which are personalized to you. We will design everything and automate all your social media. Just have a look at the article below as an example and compare services.

roomvu is equipped with an AI-based engine that scours the web every day and picks the hottest pieces of content in your market. Instead of one post per week for you, we do give you the option to post everyday. And the content is not just some stock and still images. They are professionally produced and are branded to your business.

I Have Google My Business

Google My Business works when people search for you on Google. But on social media you do not wait for people, you go and reach them. Therefore, comparing the two is basically wrong. They are both essential for your business but are different in nature. You can not forget about social media because you have a Google My Business profile and vice versa.

On the other hand, roomvu will soon launch content production and sharing for agents’ Google My Business accounts as well so you can manage both at the same time with zero effort.

Leads Are Not Good Quality

We at roomvu use different ways to generate leads for agents, from Smart Ads to landing pages and email marketing. Remember that roomvu gives you leads, and they are cold leads which means these people are interested in your services but are not ready to make a move in a short time. Only a small percentage of leads generated online plan to buy or sell a home soon. However, they are few. 

Nurture and Warm up Leads

About 90% of leads generated online are cold, which means they are not ready to buy or sell a home. Warming up a lead is letting leads get to know you, educating them, showing them your personal life, and finally gaining their trust. Watch the video below:

Do You Qualify Leads?

Regarding lead generation, roomvu goes a long way for agents. We know that leads are the base of every agent’s business. Here are a few of the actions we take on your behalf regarding leads:

roomvu excels other platforms in what we call local targeting. We create hyper-local content for agents in different cities and areas. Also, using Smart Ads, we target people who are most likely to answer your call and business. This in return will increase the chances of finding leads.

Once you get leads, you need to nurture them since most of them are not ready to make a transaction. roomvu will help you in this regard with email marketing campaigns and SMS follow-ups. Remember, warming up leads is a marathon, not a spirit.

The Diamond plan, currently our highest and best plan will provide you with the ultimate solutions to find you clients. On the Diamond plan, we will call the leads that respond on your behalf.

Same Content?

You might have concerns about the chance your audience may get the same content from you and other agents. While that is a legitimate concern in general, please note that:

Our A.I. goes through and gives you unique content; we have over 3000 pieces of content in your area. This means we do not suggest and schedule the same content for different agents in the same place. 

99% of your followers are different from other agents’ followers. Your customer does not follow the other realtor. This means even if some agents share the same content, the chances that your audience follows them at the same time are close to zero. 

If the above explanation is not enough, remember that if you get Platinum, you will get your theme. Our designers will design an entire theme just for you. It’s like a custom tailor-made dress!

Human Touch?

You, as an agent, need to show up on your social media to avoid making your social media accounts like robots. The human touch is where you need to step up.

We post Real Estate content for you, and every week you need to record and share your own content where you appear in front of the camera and talk to your audience. But, we still do not leave you alone there. We will give you recommendations about what to say in the video!

In order to help you appear more in front of the camera and let your audience get to know you, on your calendar, you will see post suggestions where we give you ideas on what to share. These will also include a suggested caption alongside hashtags. We know that creating content in front of the camera can be hard, but this is as far as we can help you with. You need to handle the post yourself.

How About Referrals?

We will return the favor if you recommend your friends use roomvu. Here is a summary of our referrals plan:

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