Instagram Post Ideas for Real Estate

Real Estate Content to Share on Instagram to Introduce Yourself as a Thought-leader, Build Trust and Generate Leads.

Real estate is a visual business by nature where homebuyers and renters pick their homes by images and videos of the properties. Instagram which happens to be very visual is hot in the real estate marketing world, but there are simply many terrible real estates feeds out there. Many real estate agents simply fail to seize the true potential of the platform. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about Instagram post ideas for Real Estate that work, answer the toughest questions, and create trust

Instagram Post Ideas for Real Estate

Here are a few Instagram Post Ideas for Real Estate:

Local Market Stats

Because of the big changes in the real estate market your clients are bound to have plenty of questions. Your audience and clients care a lot about market stats but only if the data you provide is extremely local and relevant to where they live. By sharing hyper-local market stats you have a great chance to prove yourself as the go-to guy who can be trusted. 

While you are sharing market stats make sure you share the bare essentials and avoid sharing too much data which can be overwhelming and confusing. 

If you are using images make sure on each slide you include a single topic and leave the rest of the numbers for the other slides. If you are sharing the stats through a video, the same rules apply. 

Here are some topics to consider while educating your audience:

Neighborhood Profiles

Neighborhood profiles give people ideas for local things to do that they may not know about. It’s also yet another way to reinforce your status as the local expert. They can also be used to inform would-be homebuyers about the neighborhood they consider moving into. 

Tips for Buyers & Sellers

Instagram can be an awesome platform for gaining credibility as a knowledgeable and trustworthy REALTOR®. You have two main target audiences to focus on and help: homebuyers and home sellers. First-time homebuyers and home sellers can be a little reluctant in the beginning due to their low trust in themselves and the market’s ambiguity. As a REALTOR® you can share some tips for both to let them open up and approach you so that you can help them further. 

Give Instagram Ads a Shot

During the last 2 years when covid-19 took its toll on many businesses, the price per lead in real estate also increased. Hence many people lost interest in running real estate ads on social media. However, they have missed out on the fact that, despite the higher price per lead, they can get a bigger ROI on their ads because of higher home prices.

On the other hand, ads returns are 2.8x higher on Instagram than on any other marketing platform. This leaves Instagram ads a great option to invest in. 

Instagram Posts for REALTORS®: Tips

Schedule Your Posts Ahead of Time

Do not wait to post and share content at the time they are due. It would be a great mistake since you might get distracted or simply do not get around to posting content just because you are busy.

To avoid such delays, it is a good idea to use some content calendar systems and schedule your posts in advance so that you do not get out of sight even once. 

Share posts too frequently or infrequently.

Moderation is the key. Posting too often or not often enough will leave a bad impression on your audience portraying you as an agent who has a lot of time on their hand or someone who does not care about his business enough to post on time and regularly. Yet again, in this case, content calendar systems can come in handy. 

Automatically Share Posts to Facebook and Twitter too

When posting on Instagram it is as easy as a click to share the content on Facebook as well. While using other social media managing systems like the one we offer on roomvu dashboard, you can simultaneously share your content on other platforms like Twitter seamlessly. This way you make sure your content gets to your audience across different platforms. 

However, do not forget that different platforms have different standards for the content and you might as well have to repurpose your existing content to make them look good on other platforms. Likely we take care of this too on roomvu dashboard. 

Consistently research new hashtags over time. You will come across many hashtags that you can use. However, DON’T uses a million hashtags or inapplicable ones. The more hashtags you use, the better the engagement tends to be. But that comes with a price: You will get more exposure but gain random users following your account by going hashtag-crazy who may not even be interested in your services. 

Instagram Post Ideas for Real Estate: Takeaways

Instagram is a great avenue and channel for real estate agents to promote their business, services, and their listings due to the visual nature of the platform. However, there are many feeds out there on Instagram for real estate that simply grab the attention of home buyers and home sellers among the many other types of content already available on Instagram. You as a REALTOR need to focus on the content that is more likely to be shared and engaged with. If you are too busy to create the content you can always ask real estate marketing services like roomvu to do the heavy lifting.

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