How to Follow up with Leads After an Open House

How to use open house follow up emails to generate leads

You are here to read about open house follow-up emails; there is a good reason for that. Open houses are one of the most effective ways of generating leads. People think open houses usually help sell the house. Well, that might be true. However, according to the 2020 NAR Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends report, only 6% of buyers found their homes through open houses, but 51% attended open houses to find information. That is why you need to know how to follow up with leads after an open house: to nurture that 51%!

Looking at the bigger picture, you realize that open houses are a way of expanding your network. The more extensive your network, the bigger your reach and, subsequently, the more leads you have. This article will review the importance of the open house follow-up email and provide different templates for sending such emails.

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What Are Open House Follow-up Emails?

Open house follow-up emails are emails agents send to nurture prospects after a property viewing. They are sent to keep the agents foremost in the minds of prospects. If not done correctly, the purpose can be lost, though. The problem with most open-house follow-up emails is that they all sound the same.

Why Open House Follow-up Emails?

Referrals and contacts are two of the best ways to get real estate leads. After all, most realtors promote their business online, hoping to attract those in their farming area who are considering buying or selling homes.

When people walk into your open house, you know they are considering buying a home even if they are not determined. Most will leave, and you will not hear from them again. You need to follow up, or they will take their business elsewhere. Maybe to a realtor who was eager enough not to let them go. If you wait for them to find you again, they’re gone.

open house follow up mail
Photo by Stephen PhillipsUnsplash

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Open House Follow-up Email Tips

Now that you know why you should follow up on people who show up to your open house, let’s see how you should email them:

Think About the Open House Follow-Up Email During the Event

You do not have to wait until the open house ends to consider the follow-up email. Engage with the prospects and start a conversation with them to get as much information as possible. Later, you can use this information to customize the email to fit the prospect. This is far more effective as it is personal.

Make it short

People are busy and often skim over emails from people they do not know well. Once they receive your email and (hopefully) open it, they want to get to the point quickly and then go on with their life. As a result, your email should be short and brief, stating the main facts. Longer emails tend to bore the reader and may not be read to the end. Get to the point and save the lengthy formalities.

Avoid Generic Messages

You might be tempted to use the same email for all your contacts who showed up for the open house because it is faster and easier. But that may not have the effect you have in mind. Impersonal messages do not appeal to the reader. They sound like ads. Instead, remember your conversation with the prospect during the open house and tailor the email to fit the receiver. It makes them feel special and increases the chances of them acting.

Buying a home is one of the most significant events in a person’s life. If you intend to be involved in such a significant turning point in a prospect’s life, you had better make it unique. Even the most minor details about the person in an email can make a huge difference in conveying the sense that they are unique.

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Make it Interesting

One of the most complex and challenging things to do while sending any promotional email ensuring people open the email. What determines if the receiver opens the email? Sender and subject. You can not do anything about the sender, but you can make the subject more interesting. Get creative and use something that makes the email look worth opening.

Include a Call to Action

It does not matter how much we emphasize the importance of CTAs. It is never enough. You can put much effort into writing the best follow-up email, but it may be fruitless. Why? Because you did not include a CTA. You did not tell the audience what to do. Rest assured, they won’t bother to figure out what to do next if you do not do it.

Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to getting desired results from open house follow-up emails. Following up for the second and third time makes sense to show that you care for the prospect. Let them know that even if they did not find the home they wanted, you are here to help. Being helpful is one of the best features any business can offer its customers.


Be Quick

The best time to send a follow-up email is after the open house. Make sure you send the email within a few hours after the event. If you wait too long, you will lose the heat of the moment, and your prospect will not feel enthusiastic enough about the event.

Go Easy

Do not try to convert the prospect in your open house follow-up emails. People hate being sold directly to, especially in emails. Your only goal in the first follow-up email is to build a relationship with the prospect by thanking them for showing up at the open house.

Show Social Proof / Scarcity

In the open house follow-up email, you should mention how many people attended the event and what they thought. This tells them the house they just visited is exceptional, and others might want to buy it. It encourages them to act to avoid missing a great opportunity.

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Open House Follow-Up Email Templates

Emails you send to follow-up prospects who showed up at your open house must be effective. They need to convey a proper message, create a sense of being personal, and include a call to action. To make things easier, we have gathered a list of templates you can use to make the best out of following up with your prospects.

1. General Template

Hello (First Name),

Thank you for showing up at (address). I hope you liked the house and the (features of the listing). If you still have any questions, feel free to ask.

I have another property available nearby if you liked the neighborhood. It offers many of the features that (address) has, plus a few surprises. Let me know if you would like a private showing.

Look forward to hearing from you.


(Your name and designations)
(Your Company name)
Phone number)

2. Thank you Template

Dear (first name),

It was great seeing you at the (address) on (date). Buying a home is an exciting experience, and I love being a part of it and helping clients. I have helped more than 500 families find their dream homes, and I will do my best to help you find yours.

Here is my real estate Instagram account. I post regular listings in the area that you might find interesting. I also share useful content that will help you make better home purchasing decisions.

Look forward to hearing from you.


(Your name and designations)
(Your Company name)
Phone number)

3. Asking for Feedback Template

Dear (first name),

Glad to meet you today at (address). Thank you so much for stopping by.

Today, there were about 12 different families who attended the open house and the overall feedback was rather good.

I wanted to send you a quick email to see what you thought about the listing. Each and every person’s opinion, including yours matters to me.

Here are a few questions I was wondering if you could answer for me:

How did you find the price?
Did you think there were any things that needed to be repaired?
What were your overall impressions of the property?

I would appreciate it if you can spare a couple of minutes of your time with these questions.

(Your name and designations)
(Your Company name)
Phone number)

4. Unqualified Prospects Template

Hello (First Name),

It was great seeing you at the (address). Thank you so much for coming.

I was wondering if you could tell me what you are looking for in a home? If you are planning to buy a home, can we meet so that I can get to know what types of homes you have in mind?

I will be nearby on (date and time). Please let me know if you are available so that we can meet and discuss your ideal home?

Best Regards,

(Your name and designations)
(Your Company name)
(Phone number)

5. Qualified Prospects Template

Hello (First Name),

Glad to meet you and hear your thoughts today at (address). I would love to work with you to make (property address) your new home.

Properties like the one you visited are my specialty. I understand you liked the property very much, but buying a house is such a big life milestone, let us make sure you are making the right decision.

I will be nearby on (Date) so please let me know if you are available so that I can take you on a private showing to have a better look at the property. It would be great if you could schedule a time soon to be sure no one else puts in an offer.

However, if you are sure about the property and think you do not need a private showing, let’s meet to discuss the process. Let me know when you are available while I am around.

Best regards

(Your name and designations)
(Your Company name)
(Phone number)

6. Referral Template

Dear (first name),

It was great seeing you at the (address). Thank you so much for coming.

I know you did not think the property was for you. You should never buy a property that you’re not 100% about. However, I was wondering if you know anyone who might be interested in the property?

In our referral program, we offer 15% off on our services for every buyer you refer to us. Click here for more information.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

(Your name and designations)
(Your Company name)
(Phone number)

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Follow up with Leads After an Open House: Takeaway

Open houses are more of a way to collect prospects’ contact information than a way of selling homes. To expand your network, you must make open houses a consistent part of your marketing plan. Open-house follow-up emails are also an essential factor in how you nurture and convert leads.  

How do you follow up after an open house?

You do not have to wait until the open house ends to consider the follow-up email. Engage with the prospects and start a conversation with them to get as much information as possible. Later, you can use this information to customize the email to fit the prospect. This is far more effective than it is personal.

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