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Pro Trial Account on roomvu – Key Features

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Real estate agents are always on the lookout for innovative tools and strategies to help them succeed in a highly competitive industry. From building their client base to staying on top of the latest industry news, agents need a comprehensive set of resources to help them stay ahead of the curve. That’s why we’re excited to offer a 2-week trial of our platform, which provides real estate agents with access to a wide range of features designed to make their jobs easier and more effective. With local, relevant videos and images posted on social media, access to pro videos, branded real estate news and headlines, and much more, our platform is the ultimate tool for any agent looking to take their career to the next level.

Local, Relevant Real Estate Videos on Social Media

One of the most powerful features of our platform is the ability to automatically post local, relevant real estate videos and images on social media. We understand that agents have busy schedules and may not have the time to manually curate content for their social media channels. That’s why we’ve made it easy for agents to stay active on social media by automatically posting engaging and relevant content on their behalf. This ensures that agents are always top of mind for their clients and prospects, and helps them to build their brand and stay connected with their audience.

Our platform offers automated social media posting of local, relevant real estate videos and images, which can be shared on some of the most popular social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. These platforms are particularly important for real estate agents as they provide a unique opportunity to connect with clients and prospects, showcase properties, and establish a strong personal brand.


Instagram is an excellent platform for real estate agents to share visually stunning images and videos of their listings, neighborhoods, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of their work. With its focus on visual content, Instagram is particularly popular with younger demographics who appreciate the creative and aesthetic aspects of real estate marketing.


Facebook, on the other hand, is a more general social media platform that is used by people of all ages. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook provides a vast audience for agents to connect with potential clients and build their brand. Facebook offers a variety of features for agents to share their listings, local real estate news, market updates, and other relevant content. It is also a powerful advertising platform that agents can use to target specific demographics and geographic locations, making it an effective tool for lead generation.


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that is designed for business and career-oriented individuals. It is a great place for real estate agents to connect with other industry professionals, share their expertise, and build their personal brand. On LinkedIn, agents can share industry news and insights, engage in discussions with other professionals, and build their network. LinkedIn is also a powerful platform for generating high-quality leads as agents can target specific industries and job titles.

While there are many other social media platforms available, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are the most important for real estate agents. By automating the posting of local, relevant real estate videos and images on these platforms, agents can save time and ensure that they are consistently reaching their target audience. Whether you’re a seasoned agent or just starting out, social media is a powerful tool that can help you grow your business and succeed in today’s competitive real estate market.


Content posting automation is essential for real estate agents because it can save them time and help them be more consistent in their social media marketing efforts. Real estate agents are often busy with various tasks related to their job, such as scheduling showings, negotiating deals, and meeting with clients. As a result, it can be challenging to find time to create and post quality content on social media.

Automated content posting on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn can help agents to overcome this challenge. By using our platform, agents can schedule and post content ahead of time, so they don’t have to worry about finding time to create and post new content every day. This means they can spend more time on other important aspects of their job, like working with clients and generating leads.

Consistency is also critical in social media marketing. Posting content regularly and at the right times can help agents build a following and stay top of mind with their clients and prospects. Our platform ensures that agents are consistently posting local, relevant real estate videos and images on social media, which helps to build their brand and keep them visible in a crowded and competitive market.

In conclusion, content posting automation on social media platforms is crucial for real estate agents who want to build their brand, connect with clients, and stay competitive in the market. By automating their social media marketing efforts with our platform, agents can save time, be more consistent, and optimize their efforts to achieve their marketing goals.

Access to Pro Videos Library Including Market Updates and Tips and Tricks

In addition to our automated social media posting, our platform also offers access to a library of professional videos that can help agents stay up to date on market trends and best practices. From market updates to tips and tricks videos, our pro video library is an invaluable resource for any real estate agent looking to stay ahead of the curve. Our videos are produced by industry experts and are designed to provide agents with actionable insights that they can use to improve their performance and grow their business.

Be the Expert

Posting market update and tips and tricks videos on social media is crucial for real estate agents for several reasons. Firstly, real estate is a constantly evolving industry, and market updates can help agents stay informed about the latest trends and changes in the market. By sharing market updates through videos, agents can position themselves as experts in the field and show clients and prospects that they are up-to-date on current market conditions. This can help build trust and credibility with potential clients, and lead to more business in the long run.


Secondly, tips and tricks videos can provide valuable insights and advice to clients and prospects. Real estate can be a complex and overwhelming process for many people, and tips and tricks videos can help simplify the process and make it more manageable. By sharing their expertise through videos, agents can help clients and prospects feel more confident and comfortable about the buying or selling process. This can lead to better client relationships and increased referrals.


Thirdly, videos are an effective way to communicate information and engage with clients and prospects. Videos are more engaging and memorable than text or images, and can help agents stand out from the competition. By sharing high-quality videos on social media, agents can attract more followers, increase engagement, and generate more leads.


Finally, sharing market update and tips and tricks videos on social media can help agents reach a wider audience. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn have large and diverse audiences, and videos have the potential to go viral and reach a much broader audience than other forms of content. This can help agents expand their reach and connect with new clients and prospects.

In conclusion, posting market update and tips and tricks videos on social media is an essential marketing strategy for real estate agents. By sharing their expertise and insights through videos, agents can position themselves as industry experts, provide valuable information to clients and prospects, and increase their reach and visibility in the market.

Add Your Own Insight

Adding personal insights and comments to market update videos is crucial for real estate agents to help their audience understand the data and statistics presented in the videos. Market updates can be full of technical jargon and complex data that can be confusing and overwhelming for many people who are not real estate experts. By adding their own insights and comments, agents can help their audience make sense of the data and understand how it relates to their particular situation.

Provide Context

One way agents can add their own insights and comments to market update videos is by providing context for the data. For example, they can explain how a particular market trend or statistic might affect the local market, or how it might impact buyers or sellers. By providing this kind of context, agents can help their audience understand how the data is relevant to their specific situation.


Another way agents can add value to market update videos is by providing their own analysis and interpretation of the data. This can help their audience understand the implications of the data and what it might mean for them. For example, if a market update shows that home prices are rising in a particular area, an agent might explain why this is happening and what it might mean for buyers or sellers.

Branded Real Estate News Stories

We understand that real estate agents need to stay informed about the latest industry news and trends. That’s why we offer a range of branded real estate news stories that are tailored specifically to real estate agents. Our news stories cover everything from the latest market trends to new technology tools and emerging business models. Agents can easily share these stories through their social media channels, adding their own comments and insights to help drive engagement with their audience. All of our news stories include a link back to the original content, ensuring that agents can stay informed and share valuable information with their clients and prospects.

Why Share News Headlines

Real estate news stories are an important way for real estate agents to stay informed about the latest industry trends and developments. They can also be a great way to engage with clients and prospects by sharing valuable information that can help them make informed decisions about buying or selling a property. Our platform offers a unique feature that allows agents to share real estate news headlines as stories and posts on social media and add a link that will take the audience to their branded landing page where the audience can continue to the original web page to read the whole story.


To share a real estate news story as a story on social media, agents can use the story feature on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. They can use a compelling branded images to grab the audience’s attention with the headline of the story with the gist of the news to the story. This creates an eye-catching visual element that can help to increase engagement with the audience.

Branded Landing Page

Agents can then add a call-to-action (CTA) to the story, inviting the audience to read the full story on their branded landing page. The CTA can be something like “Swipe up to read the full story” or “Click the link in bio to learn more.” Once the audience clicks the link, they will be taken to the agent’s branded landing page where they can read the full story.

The branded landing page is an essential element of this strategy because it allows agents to create a cohesive, professional look and feel across all of their marketing materials. The landing page can include the agent’s branding, such as their logo and colors, and can provide more information about the agent and their services. It can also include links to other relevant content, such as property listings or market reports, which can help to keep the audience engaged and interested.

Customizable Videos (Intro, Outro, Branded)

Finally, all of the videos on our platform are branded to real estate agents, helping them to build their brand and increase their visibility in the marketplace. Agents can also add their own intro or outro slide to the videos, further customizing the content to their specific needs. This allows agents to create a professional, cohesive look and feel across all of their marketing materials, helping them to stand out from the competition and build their business.


Adding intro and outro slides to branded real estate videos is a great way for agents to personalize their videos and reinforce their brand. Intro slides can include the agent’s name, photo, and logo, as well as a brief introduction to the topic of the video. Outro slides can include a call-to-action (CTA), such as an invitation to visit the agent’s website or contact them for more information.

Adding intro and outro slides to branded real estate videos has several benefits. Firstly, it helps to establish the agent’s brand and create a consistent look and feel across all of their marketing materials. This can help to increase brand recognition and make the agent more memorable to clients and prospects. Secondly, intro and outro slides can help to improve the overall quality and professionalism of the video. By adding a personalized touch, agents can create videos that look and feel more polished and engaging. Finally, outro slides can include a CTA that encourages viewers to take action, such as visiting the agent’s website or contacting them for more information. This can help to generate more leads and ultimately drive more business for the agent.


To add intro and outro slides to their branded real estate videos, agents can create their own custom slides using their branding elements and incorporate upload them on their dashboard. Our system will automatically add these slides to the beginning and the end of their branded videos.


In conclusion, our platform offers a wide range of features that can help real estate agents to succeed in a highly competitive industry. From automated social media posting to professional videos and branded news stories, our platform is designed to provide agents with the tools and resources they need to stay ahead of the curve. With a 2-week trial, there’s never been a better time to explore what our platform has to offer and discover how it can help you take your real estate career to the next level.

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