How to Create Social Media Short Videos for Real Estate

Short videos on social media are becoming more and more popular. That’s why Instagram stories and reels, TikTok short videos, etc are given significant attention from both app developers and their users. Real estate can benefit from short videos due to their visual nature, the visual being so much of what good real estate marketing depends on. They also appeal to an audience with limited time and a shorter attention span. In this article, we will tell you how to crush short real estate videos on social media.  Read our guide about Real estate social media marketing to be a succefull realtor On social media platforms


The Era of Short Videos for Real Estate

Social media and the internet in general are full of content. The content to which users are exposed is so great that much of it is ignored and longer more time-consuming content is skipped. This has made shorter content more valuable as it delivers the message quickly before the user goes to the next item on their news feed. 

Instagram, TikTok, and other similar social media platforms offer great options to share short videos. They take no time and have been heavily welcomed by social media users. That’s why it is more important than ever to master short videos and make the most out of them. 

Real Estate Short Videos Tips for Social Media

Here a few tips to ace real estate short videos for social media:

Make A Fast Introduction

Making a fast introduction (within seconds) will help you keep your audience’s interest. You need to show what the video is about in the first moments of the video or you will lose your audience’s attention. 

Read More: Real Estate Video Marketing: Ultimate Guide for REALTORS® 2020

Educate But Entertain First

To prove yourself as an expert in real estate you need to educate your audience and add value through informational short videos. However, your videos will not appeal to users if they are not entertaining and amusing. Try to convey your messages through interesting trends on social media. 

Use Visual Elements to Highlight Key Points

Once your video is played there will be a lot of things going on and users can get distracted easily. To make your short videos as simple and easy to understand as possible try to use visual elements like bubbles and boxes to highlight key points. This will make sure users continue to watch your video and get the message. 

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are an inseparable part of social media. They can be used to make your videos more discoverable and at the same time serve as a tool to group your other videos and classify them under different categories. 

TikTok videos are mainly created by following trends in which users create videos with a specific music track. To increase your chances of being seen make sure you pair your video with the currently trending music. 

Design for Sound Off

Many users browse social media when they are out with the sound off. Therefore chances are many users will not hear the audio in your short videos. Therefore it is essential to make sure your video still makes sense on mute. 

Keep at it

Consistency is the key to success on social media. That means you have to keep posting on social media on a regular basis. Conveniently, short videos allow users to post more frequently during the day since they last only 15 seconds. To stay on top of your audience’s mind make sure you post short videos once or twice a day. Your audience won’t mind watching your videos every day as long as they are interesting and offer value. 

Real Estate Short Videos Ideas

Here are a few ideas you can use for your short videos:

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