Social Media Best Practices for Real Estate Agents in 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of real estate marketing, staying ahead of the curve means not just being present on social media, but mastering it. For real estate agents and brokers, particularly those leveraging the innovative video marketing services of roomvu, creating a strategic social media routine is essential. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the social media best practices for Real Estate.

Choosing the Right Channels

The first step in establishing a strong social media presence is selecting the right platforms. Not all social media is created equal, and different platforms cater to different audiences and content types. For real estate agents, focusing on these channels can offer the best return:

Facebook: Your Digital Office

Facebook, with its expansive user base, presents a unique dual-faceted opportunity for real estate agents. While organic reach on Facebook Business Pages has significantly dwindled, making it challenging to gain visibility without investing in ads, the platform still holds substantial value when used strategically. Paid advertisements on Facebook can be a powerful tool for agents, allowing for targeted campaigns that reach potential buyers and sellers effectively.

Social Media Best Practices for Real Estate

Despite the limitations of organic reach, maintaining a personal Facebook page is crucial for agents. It serves as an online storefront and information hub, where potential clients can learn more about the agent’s services, read reviews, and initiate contact. This blend of paid and personal presence enables agents to maximize their visibility and engagement with their audience on Facebook.

Instagram: Urgency & Exclusivity

Realtors actively use Instagram Stories to share timely updates about new property listings and open house events, taking advantage of its ephemeral nature to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity among potential buyers.

Educating & Engaging

Furthermore, Instagram offers the perfect medium for delivering short snippets of content that either educate or inform the audience about the latest trends in the real estate market. This approach not only positions realtors as knowledgeable industry leaders but also keeps their followers informed and engaged, fostering a community of interested and potential clients.

LinkedIn: Boosting Brand Awareness

By actively engaging on LinkedIn, agents can considerably increase their brand awareness, positioning themselves as key players in the market. LinkedIn stands out as the quintessential platform for real estate agents aiming not just to market themselves but to significantly broaden their professional horizons. It serves as a pivotal arena for agents to expand their networks, allowing them to forge valuable connections within the real estate industry both locally and internationally.

Networking & Growth

Moreover, LinkedIn facilitates a space for real estate professionals to connect, share knowledge, and exchange insights, fostering a community of collaboration and learning. This aspect of LinkedIn is invaluable, as it enables agents to stay abreast of industry trends, gain new perspectives, and enhance their expertise, ultimately benefiting their practice and their clients.

YouTube: The Video Marketing Powerhouse

YouTube presents a dynamic platform for real estate agents to showcase their listings through detailed video tours, offering potential buyers a comprehensive view of properties from the comfort of their own homes.

Quick Insights

Beyond traditional video content, agents can also leverage YouTube Shorts to capture the audience’s attention with brief, engaging clips similar to the quick snippets popular on Instagram. This format is ideal for highlighting new listings, sharing quick tips, or offering sneak peeks into open houses.

Educational Deep Dives

For more in-depth engagement, longer YouTube videos serve as an excellent medium for educating viewers about the various aspects of the home-buying process. Through these educational videos, agents can provide valuable insights into mortgage applications, closing costs, and other critical steps involved in purchasing a home, establishing themselves as trusted industry experts.

TikTok: Captivating the Young Homebuyer

TikTok has evolved into more than a mere social media platform; it represents a dynamic marketplace brimming with audiences eager for fresh and engaging content. For real estate agents, TikTok offers an unparalleled opportunity to showcase properties in a visually captivating manner, significantly enhancing their brand awareness. The platform’s unique appeal lies in its ability to attract a younger demographic, making it an ideal medium for targeting first-time homebuyers, particularly those in their 20s and 30s.

Expanding Reach

The content strategy on TikTok allows agents to blend educational material with property showcases and personal insights, presenting a well-rounded view of their professional persona. This combination not only fosters community engagement but also opens avenues for networking, thereby broadening the agents’ reach and elevating their presence in the digital space.

Active, Curious Generation on TikTok

Statistically, TikTok’s impact is profound, with 35% of its user base aged between 19-29 years, and a significant presence in the United States with 84.5 million users. The platform’s ability to inspire curiosity and action is notable; 74% of TikTok users have been motivated to explore more about a product or brand online after encountering it on the app. Furthermore, 37% of users report discovering products on TikTok that led them to make immediate purchases, a rate 1.5 times higher than the competitive average. These statistics highlight TikTok’s powerful influence on consumer behavior and underscore its importance as a vital tool in the arsenal of real estate marketing strategies.

Maintaining Frequency: Post Consistently

Consistency is key. Establishing a routine of posting regularly keeps your audience engaged and helps build your brand presence. According to Hootsuite, here’s an optimal posting frequency for various social platforms:

PlatformRecommended Posting Frequency
Instagram3 to 5 times per week
Instagram Stories2 times per day
Twitter2 to 3 times per day
Facebook1 to 2 times per day
LinkedIn1 to 2 times per day
TikTok3 to 5 times per week
PinterestAt least 1 time per week
Google My BusinessAt least 1 time per week

Crafting the Right Types of Content

The content you share on social media should be a mix of hyper-local content, local events, listings, and personal content that reflects your brand personality. Here’s how to balance these elements:

Hyper-Local Content

Real estate professionals must focus on tailoring their business strategies to the local community, delivering content that directly meets the needs and questions of their local audience. By creating and sharing hyper-local content that highlights local market trends, neighborhood insights, and local business features, agents can truly connect with their audience. This localized approach ensures that the information provided is both relevant and valuable, as general or broader content may not adequately address the specific dynamics of different cities.

Different areas can experience varying market statuses, and what applies on a national level may not accurately represent the nuances of individual localities. Offering hyper-local content is essential for positioning oneself as a knowledgeable and go-to expert in the area, catering specifically to the unique interests and concerns of the local community.

Local Events

Sharing information about local events not only provides value to your followers but also boosts your visibility and engagement with the local community. Whether it’s a charity run, a school fundraiser, or a new restaurant opening, let your audience know what’s happening in their area.


Your social media should showcase your listings with high-quality photos, videos, and compelling descriptions. Use Instagram and Facebook stories for quick tours, and leverage YouTube for more detailed walkthroughs.

Personal Content: Hacking Algorithms

Sharing personal stories, achievements, snapshots of your daily life, client testimonials, and other relatable content can significantly enhance your relatability, building a foundation of trust and loyalty among current and potential clients.

Interestingly, personal content often enjoys higher engagement rates compared to purely business-oriented posts. Real estate professionals are encouraged to conduct their own experiments in this area—for instance, by comparing the engagement levels of a post sharing a photo from a personal event versus a standard business update. The difference is usually clear, with personal content typically attracting more interaction.

This increase in engagement not only makes your social media channels more lively but also works in favor of social media algorithms, increasing the likelihood of your content being recommended to a broader audience. Therefore, integrating personal content into your social media strategy can be a powerful method to boost overall engagement and extend your reach on these platforms.

Social Media Best Practices for Real Estate: Conclusion

For real estate agents, mastering social media is not just about broadcasting listings; it’s about creating meaningful connections, establishing yourself as a local expert, and delivering value to your audience. By choosing the right channels, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, and balancing various types of content, you can leverage social media to its fullest potential. With roomvu by your side, offering cutting-edge video marketing solutions and a wealth of resources through the roomvu Academy, you’re well-equipped to dominate the digital landscape and position yourself as a market leader in the real estate industry.

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