Success Stories

Top Secrets on How to Grow Your Real Estate Business with Jess Lenouvel

Learn the golden tips Jess and Sam share to expand your Real Estate business in 2022

Agents were super busy and always on their phones to answer phone calls and never managed to spend their time well. She wanted to make them agents who were happy and managed their time well. That goes the same with roomvu which tries to do the heavy lifting for agents so that they can spend their time doing their business and create personal content. 

Sam was a top-producing real estate agent but now he is trying to help agents. He believes that people like him and Jess are not in selling business but instead, they try to educate their customers and teach them what is happening in the market. 


As Jess mentioned “Omnipresence” does not necessarily mean agents have to be present across all platforms but it focuses on being “Relevant”. Being omnipresent but not relevant makes you “annoying”. So being “relevant” comes before being present across all social media. 

Omnipresence refers to the state where you are or you “seem to be” present everywhere and you appear in your audience’s lives constantly and dominate their newsfeed at the “right time” and not all the time. And that requires finding the right frequency. Should you do it well, when your audience wants to do something you will be the only person they can think of. 

Quality Matters: More is Not More

As Sam mentioned some agents are interested in posting 3 times a day or 20 times a week but that is plain wrong as it comes across as annoying. As Jess puts it contrary to the popular belief, more is not more. In fact, even when running ads, you can not go more than twice a day and that number applies to ads that do not attract as much attention as organic content does. That means for organic content you cant post twice a day. 

Attention Span and Content Length

Sam mentioned that agents usually prefer longer videos but a study done by roomvu reveals that shorter videos perform much better. Jess also mentioned that the “attention span” of people is getting shorter and shorter and agents are competing for their audience attention with other agents and longer content fails to do that. 

The Perfect Video

When asked, Jess said she believes that there is no such thing as a perfect video but trendiness, creativity, authoritativeness, some personal topics to create trust, are needed instead.

The Saturated Market

Sam mentioned a few years back, being a real estate agent was much easier; all agents needed to do was to list and sell their home but not the market is too competitive, and old measures will not necessarily result in the same level of success, Jess adds that listing sold properties are not going cut it anymore. But now there are too many agents and agents need to position themselves as the best choice their audience has.

Offer Different Content

When we are talking about organic social media content, Jess believes that agents need to offer a wide range of content types as not everybody will like the same kind of content. Agents need to make the most of the different elements available on the platforms they are using and try to be consistent with their messaging. 

Sam mentions that social media can be considered as a “Meal” with the appetizer, the main course. The dessert, etc. the content you produce on social media is like that. Many agents just serve the main course, or the appetizer, etc, and forget about the rest. For instance, when using social media automation systems for Real Estate marketing like the ones in roomvu, people can not forget about the personal aspect of their content. They still need to go and stand in front of the camera and talk about things “They” only know. For example, how they helped another client or what advice they have for their audience. 

Jess also believes that posting beautiful photos is not enough just like the “sold” posts. As an agent, you need to be seen as a “resource” with a person behind the brand. But in real life, things are not like that. For instance, 90% of Real Estate accounts on social media do not have a location on them!  

The difference between 6-figure and 7-figure agents

When asked about the difference between 6-figure and 7-figure agents, Jess said that 6-figure agents rely on “repeats and referrals”. To create scalability and exponential growth in the business agents need to 

  • Take someone from a stranger to the client in an automated way.
  • And bring as many people that are going to be relevant to your business as you can. 

But many agents fail at being consistent. 

To Boost or not to Boost

Jess believes that boosting content on social media is useless and a waste of money unless it is a full campaign followed by thorough follow-ups

Relevant Content

Relevant content is clear on who the agents are trying to attract as Jess puts it. It is more about having the “right message” to the “right person” through “niching down” and market research. Agents need to simply interview their audience. 

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