Judy is hands down the best realtor in the Tampa Bay Area. Not only does she have years of knowledge in the business, she sincerely cares. Judy has walked me through 2 home purchases and the sale of my home. There was never a moment where I felt I lost any confidence during any of our transactions. Judy is professional, thorough, and most of all sincerely caring with her clients. I will 100% choose Judy time and time again and refer any/everyone I know to her because I know they will be in good hands.
Judy did an outstanding job in helping me both buy and sell my home. As a first time buyer and seller, I had many questions about the processes. Judy was very quick to answer whenever one popped up, in addition to taking the initiative to break down each decision needing to be made and provide her insight on the options. Judy was also happy to help make sure all my peripheral bases were covered (utilities, insurance, etc.). I felt very comfortable with her responsiveness, market knowledge, expertise, and negotiating. 100% I\\'d work with her again.
Judy made a stressful job a pleasure ! She handled everything for us and always had our best interests in mind ! Every question we had she answered and did an amazing job with taking pictures and listing our home . I would highly recommend her she is the best !
Judy was absolutely wonderful at finding homes that met all of our requirements. She took the time to thoroughly explain a home\u2019s details before we decided to move forward with it. She also ensured that we knew of any potential risks associated with purchasing a particular property. She went above and beyond what was expected to help us find exactly what we needed. Judy\u2019s expertise in negotiation was invaluable during the purchase of our home. Her knowledge of local market trends allowed her to get us a great deal while ensuring that both parties felt like they had a fair outcome from the transaction. She is A++ realtor!
Judy is an amazing realtor! She goes above and beyond to get thing done! She made our first time selling and buying a new home easy and explained everything so well. If we ever sell and buy a new home again we without a doubt will be calling Judy again!
Judy is hands down the best realtor in the Tampa Bay Area. Not only does she have years of knowledge in the business, she sincerely cares. Judy has walked me through 2 home purchases and the sale of my home. There was never a moment where I felt I lost any confidence during any of our transactions. Judy is professional, thorough, and most of all sincerely caring with her clients. I will 100% choose Judy time and time again and refer any/everyone I know to her because I know they will be in good hands.
Judy did an outstanding job in helping me both buy and sell my home. As a first time buyer and seller, I had many questions about the processes. Judy was very quick to answer whenever one popped up, in addition to taking the initiative to break down each decision needing to be made and provide her insight on the options. Judy was also happy to help make sure all my peripheral bases were covered (utilities, insurance, etc.). I felt very comfortable with her responsiveness, market knowledge, expertise, and negotiating. 100% I\\'d work with her again.
Judy made a stressful job a pleasure ! She handled everything for us and always had our best interests in mind ! Every question we had she answered and did an amazing job with taking pictures and listing our home . I would highly recommend her she is the best !
Judy was absolutely wonderful at finding homes that met all of our requirements. She took the time to thoroughly explain a home\u2019s details before we decided to move forward with it. She also ensured that we knew of any potential risks associated with purchasing a particular property. She went above and beyond what was expected to help us find exactly what we needed. Judy\u2019s expertise in negotiation was invaluable during the purchase of our home. Her knowledge of local market trends allowed her to get us a great deal while ensuring that both parties felt like they had a fair outcome from the transaction. She is A++ realtor!
Judy is an amazing realtor! She goes above and beyond to get thing done! She made our first time selling and buying a new home easy and explained everything so well. If we ever sell and buy a new home again we without a doubt will be calling Judy again!