In common practice, we see that people buy a home during summers, as that is the time when there is more supply in the market and sellers are more interested in selling at the time of the year. But there are another set of sellers as well who are willing to sell their property during winters as well. A buyer may somehow be skeptical to invest because they are not clear about the property, or they have fewer options to choose from.
Reasons to buy a home during winters
Fewer Buyers
Few buyers = less competition. You can get a great deal for a house that you are looking to buy during winters, as there are fewer people like you, in the market.
Lower Prices
It’s true! Prices are subject to drop during the winter seasons, which may result in a great deal for buyers. But don’t wait too long for the deal you are hoping to get, it will rise again in the peak season!
Mortgage Rates
Be sure to check with your mortgage broker, as he is the best person to guide you. Buying a house during winters can also fetch you a great deal on mortgage rates as well, as compared to peak season. This is a smart hack to save a few more dollars before making an investment decision.
Great Services From Dedicated Realtors
Peak season is busy for real estate agents, but during winters you have their full attention. Winters are a slow time for them so they will work harder for you to get the dream house you’ve been wishing for!
Negotiation Power
Sellers know that the prices during winters are down, thus giving you a chance to negotiate the deal that is on the table.
Durable Homes
Winters can be harsh, including to the exterior of your house. This will allow you to see whether the investment that you are planning to make is winter ready or not. For example, you can tell whether or not the home is poorly insulated, based on any draft in the house, or if the heating system is working properly. Winters are the best time to check all these parameters.
Get ready to do some house hunting for yourself during this winter! If you need more assistance do not hesitate to contact a real estate agent to guide you through the best deal.